Williams Seeders is a subsidiary of Tony Williams Machinery and was born due to the dramatic changes to traditional farming methods and advancements in technology over the past 20 years.
Lead designer, Anthony Williams drew the plan for the first drill seeder on the back of a beer coaster and built the first prototype drill seeder by hand in his garage. With no engineering experience, but with his extensive mechanical experience and a deep understanding of local farmers and their needs, he identified the need for an Australian-made more efficient seeder than those previously available on the market.
Anthony’s 40 years’ experience working with local farmers told him he needed to design a machine that was easy to use, low maintenance and had the strength and durability to suit the New England conditions. Anthony always said, “if they are built to suit New England farmers, they will work anywhere”. Williams Seeders employ the latest technology to deliver a robust, versatile, simple, easy clean and easy adjust direct drill seeder. Williams trailing direct drill/multi seeders are an advancement on traditional cultivation methods. The process minimises tillage, reduces fertiliser needs and maximises seeding strike, looking after the soil to ensure land can be used for farming for generations to come. The machine has been so successful, we have now sold over 380 machines, including two internationally.